As we prepare for severe heat and a dry Australian summer, it’s important to pay extra attention to outdoor furniture maintenance to keep it looking great.

Here are our top tips to shield your outdoor furniture from the sun, to help extend the life of your outdoor furniture.

1. UV-Resistant Covers: Invest in protective covers designed to withstand UV rays. These covers shield your furniture from direct sunlight, minimising fading and damage.

2. Sun-Resistant Materials: Opt for materials like aluminium, plantation teak, and UV-resistant outdoor fabric that can handle sun exposure.

4. Regular Cleaning: Keep your furniture in good shape by cleaning it regularly to remove dirt and grime that can lead to deterioration. Use mild soap and water for cleaning.

5. Periodically change the arrangement of your furniture to ensure even sun exposure and wear.

6. Indoor Storage: If possible, store cushions indoors during the off-season or when not in use.

7. Consider Outdoor Rugs: Outdoor rugs not only protect the flooring but also reduce the heat absorbed by your furniture.

For more care and maintenance tips, download our Care Guide or contact us.